ERI welcomes Sue Cochrane, an Ursuline Sister from Australia, who joined the ERI team and Gaillard community at the beginning of February.
Sue is a member of the Australian Province of the Ursulines of the Roman Union. She graduated as a physiotherapist in 1981 and has a wide experience in this area.
She is committed to social justice and has coordinated the Asia Pacific Ursulines JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) group. Sue has a Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies from the University of Queensland, a Master of Arts (Theology) from ACU and a Master of Development Studies from Sydney University.
Sue welcomes the opportunity to be part of the ERI Team. She is particularly interested in the rights of children, especially those who have a disability, to have access to education and inclusion in their local communities. Her other areas of interest include the rights of all people with disabilities, the rights of women and other marginalised groups, and care of the Earth.