India – Leave No Child Behind
“Parliament Speakers and MLA’s should learn from these children how to run the parliament”: Ms. Meira Kumar (Ex Lok Sabha Speaker) 75 children from 29 states and Union Territories from…
moving hearts | changing minds
“Parliament Speakers and MLA’s should learn from these children how to run the parliament”: Ms. Meira Kumar (Ex Lok Sabha Speaker) 75 children from 29 states and Union Territories from…
Once again, despite negotiations lasting 16 days at the UN’s recently concluded COP25 climate summit in Madrid, and despite urging from the United Nations and civil society groups to address…
In the 30 years since its adoption, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has considerably inspired governments and other actors to set legal policies and investments to…
“When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist.” – Helder Camara, former Archbishop of…
The 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council concluded on Sep 27th with the adoption of 37 resolutions and a presidential statement on the climate emergency. The resolutions included…
ERI participated in the students strike for climate event in Geneva on Friday 27th September. More than 3000 scientists from over 120 countries (the International Panel on Climate Change or…
ERI made several statements at the recent session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. A Statement was delivered relating to indigenous issues in Peru which highlighted the impacts…
Edmund Rice International had the opportunity to attend a celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Geneva. The celebration focused on addressing…
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a special report on “Climate Change and Land”. The report is a result of 2 years study by a team of…
ERI delivered a series of statements during the recently concluded Human Rights Council (HRC) session in Geneva. These included :-– a statement regarding access to education in India as part…