(REVISED Jul 2024)
“Intellectual Property” includes (without limitation and without prejudice to the generality of the expression) inventions, designs, processes, notations, improvements, know-how, goodwill, reputation, get-up, trade names, trademarks, logos, devices, plans, computer software, models and literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, wherever located including physical media and online/cloud storage.
“Intellectual Property Rights” means, in respect of Intellectual Property, the following rights for the full period such rights subsist and all extensions and renewals of such rights in any part of the world:
- copyright;
- design rights (whether or not registered);
- all accrued goodwill in any trade or service name (whether or not registered), trading style or get-up;
- any patents or patent applications;
- any trade or service marks (whether or not registered) including applications for such marks;
- all other industrial or intellectual property rights;
- rights under any licence or other agreement granted by or to any other person, firm or company in respect of the use of any of the rights listed above;
- any database rights;
- any rights in processes;
“Edmund Rice International Team member”(ERIT) refers to any person appointed by the Board of ERI to be a member of the ERI Team and to any volunteer or intern appointed to work with the ERI Team by the Board.
Any Intellectual Property acquired, made, developed or discovered by an ERIT member, directly or indirectly, during the course of their membership of Edmund Rice International in connection with or in any way affecting or relating to the business of the Edmund Rice International shall belong to and be the absolute property of the Edmund Rice International and the team member hereby assigns to the Edmund Rice International all Intellectual Property Rights in respect of such Intellectual Property for their full term throughout the world.
Any ERIT member if and whenever required to do so (whether during or after the period of their involvement) shall at the request and expense of Edmund Rice International do all things necessary, execute such deeds and documents and provide all such assistance to enable Edmund Rice International to obtain and maintain the benefit of all Intellectual Property Rights referred to above, and the team member acknowledges that they will not be entitled to any further compensation or remuneration in respect of the performance of their obligations under this clause save as may be provided for by law.
Each ERIT member agrees that they will, at Edmund Rice International’s expense, exercise any moral rights they have, or may have, in any Intellectual Property against such third party or parties as Edmund Rice International may reasonably request from time to time and the team member further agrees not to exercise such moral rights against Edmund Rice International.