ERI was again active during the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council (June 18-July 12). A number of oral statements were delivered and several statements of ERI’s partners were co-sponsored.
Several statements were made during the Interactive Dialogue (discussion) with the UN Special Rapporteur on Migrants. (click on the highlighted text to view a recording of the statement).
A statement regarding the treatment of migrants in the UK was contributed by Tom Murray and read by ERI’s partner Kachi Adindu of VIVAT International.
A statement regarding migrants and asylum seekers at the US/Mexican border was read by Dr Sharon Williams from Iona University.
A second statement relating to migrants in the UK drafted by Ann Nichols was delivered by ERI’s partner PRATYeK.
A statement was read during the Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on climate change by ERI’s partner Kachi Adindu of VIVAT International.
A statement was delivered on homelessness in the UK during the Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty by Cormac McArt.
A statement was read by Brian Bond in response to the report of the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar.on behalf of partner organisations who feared reprisals if identified.
A recorded joint statement on the outcome of the UPR of Nigeria was unable to be delivered due to the limited number of speaking slots available to NGOs.
ERI also co-sponsored statements by APGXXIII on the right to International Solidarity and also during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty. ERI also co-sponsored a statement of the International Catholic Centre in Geneva (CCIG) on “Enhancing technical cooperation and capacity-building in the implementation of UPR recommendations”