Approved by Board Sep 2023
The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for the area of Succession Planning and the Induction of new Board Members and shall:
- Induction
- Develop and establish an induction policy and information pack for new Board Members;
- Organise a Welcome Meeting for new members;
- Ensure that there is an easy transition when new Directors begin their term of office;
- Co-ordinate with the Executive Director and the Board to ensure that the new Board Members are successfully integrated.
- Arrange for the provision of the following:
Information Pack
Following appointment new Board Members will receive an information pack with certain information on the Company, which includes the following:
- Contact details of members of the Board and key personnel;
- Calendar of meetings and events;
- Copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association;
- Mission Statement (if applicable);
- Copy of the Governance Policy (if applicable);
- Copy of recent audited accounts;
- Copy Code of Conduct / Practic
se for Board members - Copies of all policies
- List of Key Staff members;
- Copy of most recent
BudgetAnnual Report; - Copies of recent ERI Newsletter
- Strategic Plan (if applicable);
- Business Plan (if applicable).
Welcome Meeting with the Board and Chairman and Briefing with Executive Director
The new Board Member will attend a briefing and welcome meeting given by the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Executive Director, to brief the new member on what is going on in the organisation, corporate governance, roles and responsibilities of Board Members, recent key decisions, challenges and long term plans. The Executive Director will also brief the New Board Member on current issues, policies and reporting arrangements within the organisation.
- Succession Planning
- Identify the necessary skills, experience and other attributes that are needed for an effective Board;
- Monitor the terms of office of each Board Member to ensure an even rotation;
- Advise on policy in relation to terms of office;
- Establish a plan for the recruitment and selection of new Board members;
- Ensure adequate succession planning and knowledge transfer/handover for the Board and the ERI Team
- Assess the skill base available from within the company members and nominate suitable candidates;
- Ensure the balance of knowledge and diversity is retained within the Board.
- To monitor and implement the following:
Terms of Appointment of Directors
A Director of the Company may only serve on the Board for a maximum of 6 years and this period includes the original term of appointment being a three year term and one further consecutive term only.
However, it should be noted that maximum of five members of the initial Board may offer themselves for reappointment for a period of one year following the expiry of a consecutive period of six years to avoid a situation where the Board all retire at the same time.
Recruitment and Selection Policy of New Board Members
A Recruitment and Selection Plan is to be drafted and implemented by the Governance Committee. This Plan shall include provisions to ensure the smooth assimilation of new Board Members.
The Plan should allow for:
- Time and opportunity to go through the process of recruitment and selection;
- Time to circulate information to the stakeholders and the wider community that the organisation is seeking new people;
- Opportunity to get the best possible mixture of representation, skills, knowledge, attitudes and experience; and
- Staggered replacement, to ensure a certain level of continuity.
Expertise and skills required of new Board Members
It shall be duty of the Executive Committee to identify what expertise may be beneficial to the organisation when recruiting new members to the Board. This could include experience in the following areas:
- Fund
–raising - Human Resource Management
- Finance
- Politics
- Law
- Education
- Human Rights
- Ecology